Friday, June 21, 2019

The Declaration of Independence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Declaration of Independence - Essay ExampleA wll-ducatd, powrful advocat of frdom and librty, Thomas Jffrson was an articulat architct of th Amrican govrnmnt as w know it, or would lik to that is, a govrnmnt which is th srvant of th popl it rprsnts, non thir mastr. a govrnmnt which is an ongoing continuation of th Amrican rvolutions fr spirit. Whn Jffrson wrot th Dclaration of Indpndnc, h usd many rhtorical stratgis of th Ag of Rason to assrt collctiv unity and frdom. Th Dclaration of Indpndnc is basically a documnt that condmns th British Crown and holds that its formr colonis in North Amrica ar now unitd as stats. Th most vital important statmnt that was mad about frdom in this documnt, th Dclaration of Indpndnc, howvr, was that th U.S. country as a nation was fr and indpndnt of British colonial control. In th dclaration, th committ mmbrs and Jffrson st forth a list of what th British colonialists had don to th Amricans to curtail thir frdoms, and statd that thy ar not obligat d to xist undr a systm that has such curtailmnts as its important factors. Thrfor, th documnt was important bcaus th authors, by authority of th good popl of ths Colonis, somnly trouble and dclar, That ths Unitd Colonis ar, and of right ought to b fr and indpndnt Stats (Klinman t al., 1998). ... Thrfor, th documnt was important bcaus th authors, by authority of th good popl of ths Colonis, solmnly publish and dclar, That ths Unitd Colonis ar, and of right ought to b fr and indpndnt Stats (Klinman t al., 1998). Th Dclaration of Indpndnc was ffctiv ovrall bcaus its primary author, Jffrson, rflctd a sort of idalism that showd in th documnt from his nlightnmnt idals. Th fiv critria that will b judgd by this rport in rlation to th Dclarations nlightnmnt rhtoric ar its status as a humanist documnt, its absolutist rhtoric, its utopian rhtorical statmnts about th natur of rpublic and dmocracy, and its strong rhtoric on th limitations of absolut powr in monarchical govrnmnt. Howvr, th docu mnt dos not work on all lvls, whn on considrs th provisions about th quality of cration in th contxt of a slav-owning nation. Th first stratgy considrd is that of th Dclarations status as a humanist documnt. Jffrson and th othr draftrs us humanist rhtoric, calling attntion to th basic human nd of frdom. During th tim that th documnt was writtn, urop was bing swpt by a nw sntimnt. Popl wr starting to qustion th old systms of control and th divin powr of th monarch was waning. Thr was a nw trnd of looking to human ingnuity and gnius for answrs, rathr than merely looking to rligion, during this tim. This was known as humanism. In

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